Waiting Owned Aircraft Carriers of the Republic of Indonesia

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As an island nation or the world's largest maritime, maritime security is a thing that should be a priority for the Indonesian nation, with an area of ​​ocean that is proportional to the diversity of ocean wealth Indonesia will certainly be a magnet forfishermen from either traditional or modern home and abroad as well as Legal andillegal to explore whether at reasonable or not reasonable.
With 17,504 islands scattered, widespread territorial 3,257,483 km long coastlineand 54 716 made ​​from a variety of security measures in the form of criminality andthreaten the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, the actions of potentially illegalmining 'reduce' the number of islands in Indonesia, as well as the ownership of islandsin Indonesia by a foreign party can not be a delay by the government as the holder ofthe decision regarding the national marine.
Many countries do not have the wealth of the oceans like those of Indonesia, but has the military strength of its navy is not arbitrary like to have a parent ship, although only serves as an 'airport' middle of the ocean, but the carrier provides high flexibility andcombat the effects of dither on the opponent.
Countries such as China, Thailand is an example. Economic progress does not makeChina forget.
will defense and national security, with a coastline of China is 'just' more than 18,000miles and three million mile wide territorial sea remains priority to continue tostrengthen the Navy in the field of military force, one with Shi Lang Its mother shiplaunched from the port of Dalian, purchased from Union Soviets in 1988 with the framework conditions are not perfect or $ 20 million us dollars by a Chinesecompany, had also become a floating casino. Then the Chinese governmentmanaged to take over and revitalize the conditions to qualify and become larger. Alresults with this Master slipway, China's military strength increasingly taken into account by western countries.
Thailand is an example that makes a difference perspective on securing territorialmarine governance. With an area of ​​ocean that is not an area of ​​Indonesia, Thailandhas a ship named HTMS Chakri Parent Nareubet, ship purchased in 1997 for $ 175 million us dollars to date to be the only one owned by Southeast Asia, although in the end much anchored in the harbor but that adequately reflect how his administration's vision of maritime security.
Hopefully the government plans to make a carrier in PT.PAL realized and not just afigment usual, due to the supervision and control of aircraft carriers in the regionkelayutan Indonesia can be improved, for the welfare and prosperity of the nation of Indonesia.

This is the strength of Warship "Coalition" The Shaking Libya

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Several NATO warships began patrolling sailing towards international waters off the coast of Libya to implement UN arms embargo against the regime of Moammar Khadafy. Warships including aircraft carriers also support the fighters had started to air strikes against Libya as part of Operation Unified Protector. The ships are already in the waters off the coast of Libya, while a patrol aircraft and fighter jets to the place.Air strikes against Libya are also intensively conducted several marine angkatamn coalition warships.
At the present, especially countries that have water areas, the need to build the Navy and ships of war is essential. Which is then adjusted to the capabilities and the ability of each country. As the Air Force, Navy's development depends on the development of science and technology especially in the aquatic world. In addition, the naval build costs and a great resource. Not only to build the required number of fleets, but also to keep the existing fleet can operate properly. Generally, the ability of states to maintain continuity of operations in the Navy also relies on the ability of a country's economy.But also can mean that a strong navy to operate can also be considered or viewed as an investment to keep its economy. To that end, the continuity of the life of the Navy includes the Air Force also depends how the political and economic policies, including the views of a country on the political developments in the area currently known as geopolitics. Different things with the Army where the armed personnel, Navy and Air Force embraced the philosophy of "guns manned". Management in the Navy and the Air Force is different from the Army.
As an illustration, the magnitude of the cost to keep the Navy's fleet still in operation, can be given the following description. To sail a ship type class frigate Van Speijk, requires 560 tons of aviation fuel that must be prepared for one week. This amount is just adequate, if economical speed of 15 knots sustained. because the full speed of 30 knots spent 4 tons of fuel per hour. Other sources mention that the cost for one month Speijk Van-class warships are operating together with the operational costs of the battalion of ground troops for half a year. With the discovery and development of aerospace technology like the helicopter and fighter aircraft designed specifically for naval operations, as well as the range of fleet management operations can be optimized, because the airplanes and helicopters can expand the reach of surveillance and deterrence with the ability of radar and weapons owned.
Technological developments also allow each of the armed forces including the navy every state can operate its fleet according to needs but with the power at no less a country that has a large navy. Navy in many countries, operates patrol boats equipped with missile and torpedo type corvettes and ships of war that is considered sufficient to maintain the territorial waters. Historically, small boats and aircraft equipped with special antikapal missile capable of destroying the opponent navy.
In World War II, Battleship class warships such as Bismark, IJNS Yamato, HMS Price of Wales and HMS Repulse sunk by torpedo and bomb attacks are launched from aircraft. Large ships owned by Japanese imperial fleet was destroyed or damaged a lot by a torpedo launched by the Motor Torpedo Boat owned by the U.S. Navy in the battle of Surigao Strait, Philippines. In a six-day war, Israeli cruise ships, Elliat destroyed by missile missiles SS-N2 Styk launched by the Komar-class fast patrol boats owned by Egypt. And the British warship, HMS Shiffield destroyed by Exocet missiles in the war Malvinas belong to Argentina.
Some power boat War Coalition
American Warship.
Strength is the SS American warships McCampbell, USS Curtis Wilbur, USS Mustin and USS Ronald Reagan. One of the frequently used warships in international waters America is the USS Ronald Reagan. Ka [parent was escorted by the cruiser USS Chancellorsville missile, and the warships of Destroyer Squadron 7, which comprises; guard missile destroyer Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Decatur (DDG 73), USS Howard (DDG 83), USS Gridley (DDG 101 ) and guard missile frigate Oliver Hazard Perry class USS Thach (FFG 43).Recent American warship USS laionnya is Freedom. Kazpal this war was built by General Dynamics. This is called "coastal combat ship" (LCS), and can move the gun faster than any other ship in the Navy. (It is ironic that with all built with high technology, the ship is reminiscent of the Merrimac from the Civil War. Littoral means close to the beach, and there is this ship will operate. They are made specifically for launching helicopters and armored vehicles, sweep mines and firing all kinds of torpedoes, missiles and machine guns. This ship is also relatively inexpensive. Prices range from $ 208 million, and the Navy plans to build 55 ships like this.U.S. Navy Warship classified as "second-class battleship," this ship is smaller and lighter than regular war ships, aiming to save costs, but Navy officers do not like it and tend to spend money while saving costs by making the best warships. With the United States Navy has never compete with or match the number of British warships, but has a more powerful boats and more able to face the battle dahysat. While the air force came from the USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 14, Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 22 "Redcocks," VFA 25 "Fist of the Fleet," VFA 113 "Stinger", VFA 115 "Eagle", Airborne Warning Squadron (VAW) 113 "Black Eagles", Carrier Logistics Support (VRC) 30 "Providers" and the Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 4 "Black Knights"British Warship
HMS Ambush, the latest killer submarine the British navy. The submersible can move more quieter, even better than a baby dolphin. Body ship 50% larger than the Swiftsure and Trafalgar submarines. Silence makes the boat virtually undetectable enemy ships. Ambush sonar and radar systems are very sensitive so that it can detect a ship that is three thousand miles away. Events This means that when Ambush in the English Channel, they can tell if there was a ship leaving the port of New York. Ships worth 1.2 billion pounds ($ 16.8 trillion) will be launched at Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England.HMS Ambush will carry 38 missiles, a mix of Tomahawk missiles which have a range of 1240 miles and Spearfish heavyweight torpedo is capable of targeting other submarines. Nuclear-powered machine that used this ship is able to work in water more than 20 knots so memugkinkan Ambush walk 500 miles for one day. BAE Systems is building seven submarines Asute. Projects worth 6.7 billion pounds ($ 93.8 billion) has gone through a budget surplus of 1.4 billion pounds ($ 19.6 trillion) due to some problems and delays.Various ships Parent Coalition
Nuclear Aircraft Carriers Aircraft Carriers are using nuclear-powered engine derived from nuclear reactors are located on the vessel which is connected to a steam turbine. The resulting steam vessels other than as a parent is driving ship is also used as a source of electricity and steam power is used as a pressure regulator on the aircraft carrier catapult to launch aircraft. Fleet ships to the United States is given a code example CVN nuclear aircraft carrier is USS Ronald Reagan, USS Kitty Hawk, USS Enterprise.
Conventional Aircraft Carriers Aircraft carrier uses a diesel-powered engine is Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italy). For the United States Fleet CV code and are typically used at present rarely used.
Conventional Aircraft Carriers (CTOL / Conventional Take Off Landing) aircraft carrier of this type are usually large because the deck is used as a landing and launch aircraft in conventional (ordinary). Equipped with a catapult to launch aircraft, and arrester wires (holder) to assist the landing of the aircraft, because the length of the deck of aircraft carriers is shorter than the runway length at the base. In addition to parking the aircraft in addition to a room located on the hull. Ships Aircraft Carriers who use the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier is the average of this type. Example: USS Ronald Reagan, USS John F. Kennedy and Foch and Charles de Gaulle (France)
Aircraft Carriers STOVL (Short Take Off Vertical Landing) aircraft carrier is usually a medium-sized / light, has a Sky Jump is used to launch aircraft and aircraft landing done vertically. Therefore, the aircraft used aircraft is a special type of fighter aircraft like the AV-8 Harrier (USA), Harrier II Plus (UK), or Helicopter. In the Russian fighter aircraft are usually equipped with a laser for easy landing. Most countries use this type of ship the Master because it requires maintenance and operational costs are lower than CTOL aircraft carrier type. Examples of this type is the Mother Ships: HMS Invincible, HMS Ark Royal (UK), Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italy), Prince de Asturias (Spain), Viraat, USS Tarrawa (USMC.)
Coalition AttacksCoalition military strikes on Libya, backed by Western countries and Arab allies, for to enforce the UN resolution requesting the no-fly zones and protection of troops Gaddafi Libyans. The attack was carried out Sunday night (20 / 3) until Monday morning.
The United Nations gave a mandate to a number of western countries like the United States and Britain, to intervene against Libya. Intervention to protect civilians.
Before the attack the military Libya has announced all its military units to stop the attacks on opposition groups. Libya formally military cease-fire since the week (20 / 3) evening local time. With the ceasefire is expected to look no further military attacks.But it appears the coalition troops sdah no longer trust with Gaddafi. Some time after that, Etap just done a great military onslaught of coalition troops in Tripoli and Benghazi.
Military United States with its allies France and Britain have deployed dozens of fighter jets to attack Libya. The attack by them to protect civilians from violence Gaddafi regime.
A French aircraft launch an attack on a vehicle in Libya at 16:45 GMT (23:45 am GMT), the first shot in the operation. Military action to stop the army offensive against rebels Muamar Gaddafi.
The first shot came after a summit in Paris with European leaders and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Arab League envoys to use air power to enforce UN resolutions.threaten unarmed civilians. "
About 20 aircraft directly attacked Libya largely Rafale and Mirage 2000 jets, and Charles de Gaulle mother ship will leave for Libya. French air attack was targeted against a Libyan military vehicles that threaten civilians.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said the responsibility must be borne by Gaddafi. "Colonel Gaddafi is making this happen. He lied to the international community, he promised a ceasefire, he violated the ceasefire. He continued to attack its own people, ".
Qatar and several European countries, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway, have confirmed they will take part in UN-approved military intervention in Libya.
According to the American goal that the UN Security Council resolution passed Thursday was "to protect civilians and to provide access for humanitarian assistance", rather than specifically to overthrow Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi.Clouds of smoke rose above the Benghazi, Libya's second city when the attack occurred, thousands of people fled eastward as a series of air attacks occurred.
Spain will provide a plane refueling in the air and four F-18 fighter jet into an Italian air base. Belgium will provide F-16 aircraft are now in southern Greece. Italy Silvio Berlusconi while providing some Italian bases to assist the implementation of no-fly zones in the former colonies, adding more Italian participation will follow.
Apart from the air attacks from the sea carried serangtan American and British ships bombed Benghazi with 20 Tomahawk missiles. UK Defence Secretary said British military submarines had fired a tomahawk missile. Such attacks as part of the second phase of a wave of attacks.
At the beginning of this attack was led by the U.S. temporarily. In the subsequent military action will be led by the commander of coalition troops. United States-led coalition hoped Libya's military offensive carried out turns. Leadership can be rotated coalition between France, England or the NATO.
Libyan government claimed to have a truce since Sunday at 21.00 local time, or one day after coalition forces bombed Tripoli. But the claim that Libya is not believed the U.S. and UK.
Heavy fighting broke out in Benghazi between Khadafii forces and antigovernment forces. Benghazi residents worried Gaddafi will continue surging troops into their city.Amid concerns that they expect assistance from the state coalition air strikes. Foreign military intervention in Libya is the largest Arab country since the Iraq war in 2003 ago.

Chinese Navy began a trial of its first aircraft carrier.

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Chinese Navy began a trial of its first aircraft carrier.
Xinhua news agency quoted a military source in the country's former Soviet states thatthe ship was seen leaving the shipyard in the northeastern province of Liaoning andconduct trials that are not long.

The move showed China was the country's serious efforts in building its military strength.Beijing today is the center faced a number of disputes with other countries in the territorial waters.One of them receive enough attention is the issue of dispute in the South China Sea.Aircraft carrier was seen leaving the shipyard in the Port of Dalian is located in northeastern Liaoning Province on Wednesday morning.Test scheduled"Sources within the military said that trials in this sea is a series of scheduled project completion the aircraft carrier," Xinhua news agency said in its report."After returning from the trials at sea, the carrier will return to continue the trials tomorrow."Xinhua said in its report did not report more details about the trial.China's aircraft carrier is a ship of the former Soviet formerly known Varyag.Form of the ship itself looks old and not built again by China.The ship was manufactured in 1980 for the Soviet Union's naval needs, but its construction was never completed.When the Soviets broke out, the ship was stored in one of the docks in Ukraine.Information coveredThe ship was later brought to China by a company that is concerned with the Chinese Liberation Army (PLA) and originally referred to will be used as a floating casino in Macau.But in June, PLA confirming that they are building an aircraft carrier for China's navy.To dampen the atmosphere in the region, Beijing sought to downplay the role of the ship, saying that the ship they have it only for training purposes and research.Yet China's move to invite a number of countries tetanggannya concerns.In a study of defense Issued last weekend, Japan expressed concern over what TheyCalled China's failure to explain its military ambitions. Last year China was involved disputes with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines on a number of border waters.

U.S. Aircraft Carriers Vietnam Visit U.S. aircraft carrier 'USS George Washington' stationed in Yokosuka, Japan, and are conducting tours to Asia Pacific countries.

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U.S. warplanes F/A-18F Super Hornet seems to be on the aircraft carrier USSGeorge Washington, who was visiting Vietnam (14 / 8).
U.S. aircraft carrier George Washington arrived in international waters, off the coast of southern Vietnam today.
American Embassy in Vietnam to invite representatives from a number ofVietnamese government agencies to visit the ship.
The delegation was flown to aircraft carriers and were treated to a tour of the aircraft carrier the length of 333 meters.
This is the second time in two years of military and Vietnamese government officialsvisiting the ship that big.
USS George Washington deployed in Yokosuka, Japan and now are conducting agoodwill tour to Asia Pacific countries.
Visits U.S. aircraft carrier was done in less than a week after China's first aircraft carrier to trial the first voyage from the port of Dalian on Wednesday (10 / 8). Chineseaircraft carrier that was built from the former Soviet Union aircraft carrier 'Varyag' israising concerns among neighboring countries will be the ambition of China Navy.

Chinese Media: No Able Threaten Aircraft Carriers Ruslan Pukhov, Russian military analysts said the former aircraft carrier 'Varyag' already obsolete before the ship was purchased in China.

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Foto: Reuters
China's first aircraft carrier seen in the port of Dalian (27 / 7). China to build aircraft carrier after buying the former aircraft carrier 'Varyag' from Ukraine in 1998.
Chinese state media shrink the meaning of the military threat from the country's newaircraft carriers, giving an indication that it would likely take 15 to 20 years for China tohave aircraft carriers that are primed and ready.
In the main article on its website Thursday, the official Xinhua news agency quoted aRussian military analyst said the carrier's Ukrainian reassembled equipment that is conducting shakedown cruise this week, will never be fit for combat.
Ruslan Pukhov, head of Strategy and Technology Analysis Center Moscow say the ship, called the Varyag, is outdated even before the ship was purchased.
The report was apparently intended to assuage concerns among neighboring countriesof China that the carrier can be a factor in maritime disputes in the East China Seaand South China Sea.
Other Chinese media emphasized in their coverage of the launch was that the aircraft carrier Varyag will be used for research and practice.