Chinese Navy began a trial of its first aircraft carrier.

Chinese Navy began a trial of its first aircraft carrier.
Xinhua news agency quoted a military source in the country's former Soviet states thatthe ship was seen leaving the shipyard in the northeastern province of Liaoning andconduct trials that are not long.

The move showed China was the country's serious efforts in building its military strength.Beijing today is the center faced a number of disputes with other countries in the territorial waters.One of them receive enough attention is the issue of dispute in the South China Sea.Aircraft carrier was seen leaving the shipyard in the Port of Dalian is located in northeastern Liaoning Province on Wednesday morning.Test scheduled"Sources within the military said that trials in this sea is a series of scheduled project completion the aircraft carrier," Xinhua news agency said in its report."After returning from the trials at sea, the carrier will return to continue the trials tomorrow."Xinhua said in its report did not report more details about the trial.China's aircraft carrier is a ship of the former Soviet formerly known Varyag.Form of the ship itself looks old and not built again by China.The ship was manufactured in 1980 for the Soviet Union's naval needs, but its construction was never completed.When the Soviets broke out, the ship was stored in one of the docks in Ukraine.Information coveredThe ship was later brought to China by a company that is concerned with the Chinese Liberation Army (PLA) and originally referred to will be used as a floating casino in Macau.But in June, PLA confirming that they are building an aircraft carrier for China's navy.To dampen the atmosphere in the region, Beijing sought to downplay the role of the ship, saying that the ship they have it only for training purposes and research.Yet China's move to invite a number of countries tetanggannya concerns.In a study of defense Issued last weekend, Japan expressed concern over what TheyCalled China's failure to explain its military ambitions. Last year China was involved disputes with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines on a number of border waters.

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