Waiting Owned Aircraft Carriers of the Republic of Indonesia

As an island nation or the world's largest maritime, maritime security is a thing that should be a priority for the Indonesian nation, with an area of ​​ocean that is proportional to the diversity of ocean wealth Indonesia will certainly be a magnet forfishermen from either traditional or modern home and abroad as well as Legal andillegal to explore whether at reasonable or not reasonable.
With 17,504 islands scattered, widespread territorial 3,257,483 km long coastlineand 54 716 made ​​from a variety of security measures in the form of criminality andthreaten the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, the actions of potentially illegalmining 'reduce' the number of islands in Indonesia, as well as the ownership of islandsin Indonesia by a foreign party can not be a delay by the government as the holder ofthe decision regarding the national marine.
Many countries do not have the wealth of the oceans like those of Indonesia, but has the military strength of its navy is not arbitrary like to have a parent ship, although only serves as an 'airport' middle of the ocean, but the carrier provides high flexibility andcombat the effects of dither on the opponent.
Countries such as China, Thailand is an example. Economic progress does not makeChina forget.
will defense and national security, with a coastline of China is 'just' more than 18,000miles and three million mile wide territorial sea remains priority to continue tostrengthen the Navy in the field of military force, one with Shi Lang Its mother shiplaunched from the port of Dalian, purchased from Union Soviets in 1988 with the framework conditions are not perfect or $ 20 million us dollars by a Chinesecompany, had also become a floating casino. Then the Chinese governmentmanaged to take over and revitalize the conditions to qualify and become larger. Alresults with this Master slipway, China's military strength increasingly taken into account by western countries.
Thailand is an example that makes a difference perspective on securing territorialmarine governance. With an area of ​​ocean that is not an area of ​​Indonesia, Thailandhas a ship named HTMS Chakri Parent Nareubet, ship purchased in 1997 for $ 175 million us dollars to date to be the only one owned by Southeast Asia, although in the end much anchored in the harbor but that adequately reflect how his administration's vision of maritime security.
Hopefully the government plans to make a carrier in PT.PAL realized and not just afigment usual, due to the supervision and control of aircraft carriers in the regionkelayutan Indonesia can be improved, for the welfare and prosperity of the nation of Indonesia.

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